You are moving overseas! As the initial excitement washes away, you may also feel a bit of concern about all the details involved in such a big endeavor. Having experienced professionals help with your move is one way to ease the stress involved. If you have never moved overseas before, you may be unsure what questions to ask your international moving company, so here are some tips.
7 Questions to Ask Your International Moving Company
These questions should help you be ready for your international move.
Do You Provide Door-to-Door Service?
This may seem like a no brainer, but some companies are simply shipping companies and will book passage for your belongings overseas. An international moving company that is licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission, like AW Transportation, is able to handle all aspects of shipping by sea and air by providing all steps in the process of moving overseas, from packing and transporting your goods from your home to having those goods clear customs and show up at your door in your destination country.
Are you Licensed and Insured?
You want to make sure that your moving company is experienced and reputable, and one clue is whether they are licensed and insured, as well as if they offer insurance for your move. Follow up questions to ask your international moving company about insurance is what specifically is covered (loss/breakage, theft) and if the amount of insurance completely covers the value of your belongings.
Can I Pack My Own Belongings?
Packing your own belongings may be an option at some companies, and this could be a cost-saving measure for you. However, another of the questions to ask your international moving company is whether your belongings will be insured and will clear customs if you self-pack. A manifest/packing list is required in most overseas moves to clear customs and a company may be unwilling to take a risk if they are uninvolved in the packing process to see what is packed and how safely the items are wrapped.
Will My Belongings Be Shipped With Other Items?
Standard sized shipping containers can hold belongings of 1,000 cuft or 2,000 cuft. If you have more or less than that to ship, you may consider using a less than container load or LCL shipment. This option may save you money, but will take considerably more time from origin to destination. Make sure you know your options and liabilities.
Do You Ship Cars and Antiques or Pianos?
Companies have different conditions and specialties. AW Transportation does have experience shipping cars, pianos and antiques, and we will gladly offer this service for our customers who are moving their household overseas.

Is Storage Available at Either End of the Move?
You may need to store items for a time once you have packed them-either before you make your move or in your destination country. Timing may be an issue, either for obtaining entrance to your housing, starting your new employment, or simply due to traveling limitations of airline schedules. You should ask your international moving company if storage is available and what kind of storage will be provided.
Will You Take Care of Clearing Customs?
Some companies make no claim to door-to-door service, but make sure you are clear on what you are getting. In addition, each country has its own customs clearing requirements. Some countries mandate that you are present when the goods clear customs, while others only require that you have entered the country. AW Transportation knows the customs requirements for each country and will ensure that your experience is as seamless as possible.
Contact AW Transportation for More Questions to ask Your International Moving Company
AW Transportation has been managing moves overseas since 1985. We have the knowledge and experience required to help you make your move as simply as possible. We provide the questions to ask your international moving company because we know what is required for a successful relocation overseas. Contact us today for a free quote on your international move and let us help you avoid unnecessary headaches.